Art Podcasts


A lot happens behind the scenes in the studio, and my podcast platforms are the place I share my journey. You can check out both Art Podcasts where I speak freely, and hope you find it inspiring.

I am the host of the NEW Podcast 'Sellable Art That Feels Like Me' where I open up about my journey, and talk with other artists about their journey in finding their unique voice. You will also find videos on my YouTube channel @MicheleLuminatoStudio. I am also a c0-host with Bec Leigh on 'Unearthing Art' Podcast recorded during 2022-23.

Below you will find links to playlists and where to find the podcasts on your favourite platforms.

From Michele's Studio

free artist resources

Sellable Art

That Feels Like me

a NEW Podcast from Michele

This podcast is for artists who want to create their most authentic work that's uniquely theirs, and to sell it to people who love and value it just as much as they do.

This podcast will guide you in finding the sweet spot between creating what you love and selling it at your dream prices.

Unearthing Art Podcast

listen to the 64 episodes now

A podcast that digs into making art that matters--the messy reality of being an artist, navigating the creative process and expressing our honest and (sometimes weird) selves. Through raw conversations, Michele Luminato and Bec Leigh excavate the assumptions and B.S. that get in the way of creativity, and explore what it takes to unearth the art within.


new podcast from Michele


My Freebie

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podcast topics

3 game changing pillars

authentic essence


Dive into a journey of building confidence as you uncover your unique artistic voice, creating work that is unmistakably yours and stands out from the crowd.

inspiration to creation


Embrace your unique creative process to master art that comes straight from the heart, unlocking your untapped potential and crafting work that deeply resonates with both you and your collectors.

selling your art


Create art collections that you love and that captivate your dream collectors. Connect your work with those who adore it and are ready to invest in your unique vision.

podcast topics

3 game changing pillars

authentic essence


Dive into a journey of building confidence as you uncover your unique artistic voice, creating work that is unmistakably yours and stands out from the crowd.

inspiration to creation


Embrace your unique creative process to master art that comes straight from the heart, unlocking your untapped potential and crafting work that deeply resonates with both you and your collectors.

selling your art


Create art collections that you love and that captivate your dream collectors. Connect your work with those who adore it and are ready to invest in your unique vision.

NEW art podcast

recent episodes

EP 10

How to Trust Yourself To Find Your Unique Voice

Join me in this inspiring episode where I dive into why trusting yourself is key to developing your own artistic style and voice. Drawing from my own ups and downs, I talk about how crucial it is to overcome self-doubt—not just for creating art that stands out, but also for finding true personal satisfaction.

EP 09

Don’t Ignore These 3 Questions If You Want to Sell Your Art

This episode is for any artist looking to enhance their art sales. I share 3 questions I asks myself on a regular basis. Whether you're struggling to share your work, unsure about how often or effectively you engage with your audience, or questioning...

EP 08

Stop Doubting Yourself as an Artist (for good!)

Is self-doubt and fear holding back your art career? This episode dives deep into the critical questions every artist must confront to finally overcome and silence their inner critic. If you're tired of being held back by fears of criticism, feeling not good enough, or worrying about rejection, I open up...

Let's Connect

Join me in several places on social media. (yep, 2 Insta's)

Let's Connect

Join me in several places on social media. (yep, 2 Instagrams!)

© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.

© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.