Sellable Art That Feels Like me

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Sellable Art That Feels Like Me Podcast

Ep 04 / Discovering Your ‘Why’: Overcome Barriers to Studio Time

May 04, 20241 min read

Discovering Your ‘Why’: Overcome Barriers to Studio Time


In this podcast episode, Michele Luminato shares her perspective on the importance of finding your 'why' in your art-making process. She uses her own 'why' statement as an example and encourages you to do the same. This self-reflective process will help you stay motivated and aligned with your objectives when you encounter challenges or self-doubt. Michele believes that your WHY statements can fuel an unstoppable source of inspiration for a sustainable career in art. Have a listen now!

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About the Host:

Michele Luminato is not just a seasoned artist with over 25 years experience; she's also a mentor who has guided hundreds of artists discover and leverage their unique value in the art market. Known for her ability to recognize and amplify artists' unique perspectives, Michele is here to help you make art that feels true to you and resonates deeply with your audience.

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Finding your why in artArtistic motivationWhy statement for artistsSustainable art careerArtistic inspirationArt-making processOvercoming creative challengesArtistic purposeStaying motivated in artSelf-doubt in artistsPersonal growth for artistsCreativity and self-reflection
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© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.

© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.