unearthing art podcast

listen to 64 episodes

Unearthing Art Podcast

Questions to ask before you abandon your current art style /48

January 30, 20231 min read

Last episode Michele and Bec talked about those wobble moments when you doubt whether you should be pursuing art at all. This conversation is about a more subtle form of distraction, one that can seem perfectly logical and reasonable in your mind, but can be just as devastating to your goals and progress as an artist.

If you’re feeling the urge to scrap what you’ve been working on to do something completely different, or to jump into a new art style that you think will be easier to make or sell, take a pause and listen to this episode for the questions to ask first.

Listen to more on your favourite podcast player - go here!

If you haven't yet listened to our 64 Episodes of Art talk. You can find it here!


visual art podcastunearthing art podcastunearthingart podcastpodcast for artistsOvercoming artist's blockArt practice developmentwhat causes artist block
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unearthing art podcast

listen to 64 episodes

Unearthing Art Podcast

Questions to ask before you abandon your current art style /48

January 30, 20231 min read

Last episode Michele and Bec talked about those wobble moments when you doubt whether you should be pursuing art at all. This conversation is about a more subtle form of distraction, one that can seem perfectly logical and reasonable in your mind, but can be just as devastating to your goals and progress as an artist.

If you’re feeling the urge to scrap what you’ve been working on to do something completely different, or to jump into a new art style that you think will be easier to make or sell, take a pause and listen to this episode for the questions to ask first.

Listen to more on your favourite podcast player - go here!

If you haven't yet listened to our 64 Episodes of Art talk. You can find it here!


visual art podcastunearthing art podcastunearthingart podcastpodcast for artistsOvercoming artist's blockArt practice developmentwhat causes artist block
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'Sellable Art That Feels Like Me ' - Podcast

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Michele's New Podcast

'Sellable Art That Feels Like Me ' - Podcast

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© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.

© Michele Luminato 2023 | design by Michele Luminato | Styled Photos courtesy Fenton&Fenton

My art on Instagram @ MicheleLuminato

Artist to Artist: Join me on Instagram @ OriginArt_with_Michele

JOIN THE OriginArt Waitlist

Where you'll accelerate your journey to find your unique artistic voice, and leaving behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome for good.