unearthing art podcast
listen to 64 episodes
Confidence. Turns out you can't order it on Amazon Prime, so how do we get it? Bec and Michele question what we're really talking about when we wish for more confidence as artists, and come up with better ways to get ourselves out of that 'waiting-for-confidence' rut. Michele talks about showing up for your crappy work, while Bec advocates for not giving a f#&%.
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If you haven't yet listened to our 64 Episodes of Art talk. You can find it here!
unearthing art podcast
listen to 64 episodes
Confidence. Turns out you can't order it on Amazon Prime, so how do we get it? Bec and Michele question what we're really talking about when we wish for more confidence as artists, and come up with better ways to get ourselves out of that 'waiting-for-confidence' rut. Michele talks about showing up for your crappy work, while Bec advocates for not giving a f#&%.
Listen to more on your favourite podcast player - go here!
If you haven't yet listened to our 64 Episodes of Art talk. You can find it here!
Michele's New Podcast
'Sellable Art That Feels Like Me ' - Podcast
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Michele's New Podcast
'Sellable Art That Feels Like Me ' - Podcast
Download now on your favourite player.